• Université Joseph Fourier (UJF), France

Dr. Raoul Velazco got the PhD and the Docteur ès Sciences in Computer Sciences in 1982 and 1990 respectively, both from INPG (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble). With the CNRS (French Research Agency) since 1984, where he is now Director of Researches Emeritus, he was until 2019 the coleader of the RIS (Robust Integrated circuits and Systems) research group at TIMA laboratory (Grenoble). His main research activities focused the study of radiation effects on microelectronic circuits, the design hardening techniques and the development and exploitation of experiments devoted to operate on board satellites.


  • Gulich Institute, National Commission for Space Activities (CONAE), Argentina

Carlos Barrientos received an engineering degree  from Instituto Balseiro (Argentina) and a Master of Science from Massachussets Institute of Technology MIT (USA). He participated in the design of SAC-A and SAC-C missions, working for INVAP. Since 2012 he works for CONAE at Córdoba Space Center (CETT), where he is involved as a System Engineer in different space-related projects and training activities. Currently, he is the Director of a Master Program in Space Systems and Head of UFS, a development unit focused on developing Electro-Optical devices for space-applications. His main topic of interests are space systems, model-based system engineering and thermal analysis.